Dear Threadies, 

Welcome to the second year of our website! I am so happy to welcome you back. My name is Gabrielle Cabanes and I am this year’s managing editor. 

This is my third year at Thread Magazine and I feel so lucky to be a part of this amazing and incredible community. Whether it’s writing a story for the magazine or helping writers become the best versions of themselves they can be, I am so grateful to be a part of this experience. 

As you explore our online content, I hope you enjoy the work of talented writers dedicated to Thread and all that it stands for! While the work in our specific issues sticks to one theme, the website is an opportunity for writers to expand their talents to whatever they wish to touch on. 

Our website will be updated twice a week with new pieces from our extraordinary staff and staff writer, Jackson Mccoy. A special shoutout to Alex Hopkins, our online content editor, for her incredible work making sure our pieces are everything they can be. 

Thank you and enjoy! 


Gabrielle Cabanes